Notes From The Matrix
“Of Orcas and Pods”
There are many things Defi promises, but the one thing that attracts investors into the space, even more than Defi’s biggest value proposition (Freedom), is the promise of unquantifiable yield, 10x, 100x and the holy grail — 1000x.
The search for the Xs, or magic money, as it would seem, has made most investors in the space, abandon fundamentals of investing and lasting business success, which is due diligence and value creation (this is not to underestimate the power of systems to a successful enterprise).
It would be impossible to exhaustively discuss both fundamentals in these notes, but a lot of references will be made to them as we lay down the direction of the MMT for this community, and also seek your understanding and support in our quest to position us on a path of sustainable growth and profit, based on the timeless principle of value delivery, as a means to wealth creation.
Defi is a relatively young space, with the players still feeling the edges, smoothening unfamiliar curves, and learning the ropes on the go. Project owners and Teams go through various iterations, in many instances, they go from one token launch to another, and in very particular terms, from one genesis to another — relaunching V2 tokens rebranded as upgraded versions, but sadly built on the same defective model. Models built on hype, sustained by the continuous entry of new money, and engineered in such a manner, that each new day, feels like a countdown to the death of the project.
This sounds familiar, right?
It should, cos Defi is fraught with a lot of examples… And I will hate to bore you with a list.
“Defi is the wild wild west”.
As much as it smacks off as assuming, it will be safe to say this is one of Defi’s most common catchphrases. A catchphrase that promotes singularity as against community. A catchphrase that provides the premise on which most of the chaos in the space is justified. A chaos that benefits only a few erodes all forms of accountability.
This is why the MMT with nothing to hide, has a fully doxed management team. We believe this to be a basic prerequisite for any team serious about accountability and committed to developing a relationship based on transparency with its Community.
We are not perfect, but we are also not ghosts or shadows, and for investors ready to do their due diligence, we certainly make the first step very easy.
This burden of responsibility to the community drives our decisions, the most pivotal of which is the decision to build all MMT projects on the Value Model (V-model). The key difference between this model and the P-model as highlighted in the 4th paragraph is that the V-model is hinged on value delivery, while the P-model is based on the continuous entry of new money.
This key difference is responsible for the different expressions of both models. The P-model drives toxic competition amongst community members by kicking off a vicious cycle where the first entrants fleece the next set of entrants (Defi calls it Exit Liquidity). This model creates a dichotomy that allows the skilled (technically savvy about the loopholes of a project type), the quick (first in line to the project) and the big (whales), to make mincemeat of the vulnerable (noobs) and the majority of the community members who obey set rules meant to ensure mutual prosperity for all investors in the project. A mission akin to the search for Eldorado.
The V-model on the flip side fosters collaboration within the community, creating a product/service from which it delivers value in the marketplace, generating earnings that are then distributed to invested community members as dividends in pre-agreed ratios. This model whilst not popular for the crazily high APRs of the P-model ensures that every member of the community is protected — the Noob, the Skilled, the Quick, the late bloomer, You, Me, and even the Whale is protected.
Talking about… Whales, let me tell you a story about Orcas and Pods.
Hmmn — I think I’ve run out of pages.
We’ll save the story for the next episode but before I sign out, Let me invite you to the biggest event of the year yet, a show you’ll do well to block your calendars for, esteemed members of the community, it’s with great delight I invite you to “Orcas and Pods”, happening live by 8 pm UTC on Friday, 3rd February 2023 on our Discord server.
Click here to register for the event —